
I broke the sleeping

Eliana is usually awesome at the sleep thing. No kidding. Be jealous. She has pretty much slept through the night since she was born. But last night the sleeping broke. Down at 12:15am (yes, we are night people), up at 2:30, then 4:30, then 5:30, then I don't know cuz after that my head exploded.

Here's what I'm thinkin'. Yesterday Tony decided we should take Eliana to his office to show her off. It was a Friday, so they're not really busy and other than a 10 minute meeting, there was nothing pressing going on. So we go do all that (of course she's a big hit cuz she is adorable and scrunchy) and decide that since it's a weekday and Tony's off early, we'll make it an errand day. It was great getting out and feeling productive and Eliana slept. I mean she SLEPT. All day long. Slept.

I was always told that if a baby sleeps good during the day, they'll sleep good at night. I don't remember who told me that, but they lied. She did not sleep good. Maybe because at night she does not sleep in her carseat while riding down the road, but is confined to her Pack-N-Play. And today she didn't nap well again. I have no idea if this means I get sleep tonight or not. Honestly, I rarely know what anything means from day to day.

I do know that this is Eliana 5 minutes ago:

And this is her now:

1 comment:

Coty said...

I feel your pain. It is 9:40 and I JUST got Charlie down. Remember? I was talking to you on the phone at 8, when I originally tried. God, I hope he sleeps a good stretch. But I'm sure he'll be more than happy to wake me at 10:30. I have to keep telling myself..."they do not do this to be mean. They do not do this to be mean."