
Virginia is so LUCKY

For those of you that don't know, MyTony's in the Navy. He has been for 6 years now (ok, almost 7 if you count that almost year of enlisted time in the beginning, but that was pre-me, so I don't count it.) (well, I count it since it makes the pay an itty-ish bit better). Anyway, we're on shore duty right now. It's our first one. It is awesome. No deployments, no missing the baby's birth and all the other day-to-day stuff. Love it.

But he had to go to a conference in Norfolk, VA. He left this morning. He'll be back on Thursday. Am sad. This is the first time I will be alone with the baby for more than just a normal work day (which is not even 8 hours cuz shore duty kicks ass). I'm really not worried about the 4 days he'll be gone. It's the 3 nights that terrify me. Eliana, like most babies, is fussy at night. It saves my sanity to hand her off to MyTony for a few minutes to compose myself. Even if I don't do it, I like having the option. My option is on a plane right now. Dammit.

Also, I don't sleep so good when he's not here. It was never a big thing before since I could stay up all night and sleep all day, but now there is baby. We don't have a strict schedule or anything, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work out or even be a good idea to change it all up this time. I'll have to suffer through. Hopefully I'll be so tired from whatever it is I do that I'll be able to fall asleep at night like normal people. Please please.
Now for scrunchy baby-ness. I ordered some Babylegs. Got them in the mail today. I seriously wanted to wake Eliana up just to put them on her, but I didn't. (I value the quiet so much more than I did pre-parenthood.) I even changed her diaper and fed her before putting them on her. It's all about priorities. Here ya go. Have a cute-fix you baby addicts.

1 comment:

Coty said...

You'll be fine. I promise. :) I know these things. Cause I'm a real life friend and I know things like that. I think I just repeated myself. Repeated? Is that a word? RepAte, maybe? lmao I can't decide. Ohhhhhhh the wine is working. Woohoo. PS-Eliana looks DELICIOUS in her babylegs!