Then Tony went to Virginia. So she didn't get a bottle for almost a week. No big deal. When he got back he picked up the nightly 2oz bottle of formula (soy since she's a gassy girl). I never thought that 2oz would make such a big difference, but it did. My sweet, little, happy, sleeping through the night angel was NOT HAPPY. She was fussy and crying and by the time Tony got home from work I was ready to shoot myself. She still basically slept at night, but instead of 5-7 hours, it was 3 hours and then 4 hours and I know all you moms out there want to slap me but shut up it's my story. I was very used to her sleeping through the night. Change is hard. So bite me.
It didn't occur to me that it could be the tiny little 2oz bottle of formula. I just assumed it was some new baby phase. We decided to stop the formula so I could start pumping (still not going well, by the way, but will be buying a better pump this weekend). As soon as we went back to boob-only baby, it was amazing. She's happy. She sleeps (7 hours last night just so you know and you can totally want to slap me for that). The whole thing lasted about 3 days, but mommy-memory isn't reliable. 3 days can feel like 3 years and 3 years can go by in a minute.
So we're going to avoid formula for the time being. I'm not opposed to all formula, I'm opposed to THAT formula. And, also, afraid of it. I'm going to work on getting pumping figured out so Tony can give her a nightly bottle and hopefully all will be well. I'm so glad I have my smiley baby back. I missed her.

O.M.G. WHERE ARE MY PICTURES of that cute little pink zebra?!!!?!?!?!
I can relate... my little guy has been a great sleeper from the very beginning. At four months he's sleeping 12 to 13 hours a night. And your right... other moms want to slap me for it.
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