Tony took the day off cuz there was no way I was dealing with her first shots by myself. The only available appt was early. Needed to leave the house by 7:30. Would have been fine, but Tony woke me up at 7am and said "Go take a shower". Also would have been fine, except the baby had only just woke up and needed to be fed. Tony's a great dad, but growing boobs and lactating is something he only does in his dreams. Fed baby. Got dressed. No shower.
When we got to the clinic, this guy immediately came up and asked if we'd got the message. I immediately told him he COULD NOT CANCEL. So they decided to reschedule the appt part, and do the shots anyway. I guess they'd called Tony's cell while he was in the shower. Whatever.
So after waiting for an hour (I hate them) we finally got to go back. I convinced them to weigh her (10lbs 4 oz..was told this is fine for 2 months and I hate everyone who keeps telling me she looks so tiny all ya'll can kiss my ass) and then it was time for shots.
I was not looking forward to this. I spent all morning not looking forward to this. I was nauseous all morning. And every time I let myself think about what was about to happen I had to choke back the tears. There are a lot of cries I can handle, but the pain cry is not one of them. I had given her tylenol, but I knew that wasn't going to make it any better. The lady was nice enough. She looked like she was 19, which did not enhance my calm. I even asked her if she'd ever done this before. She looked insulted, but she, too, can kiss my ass this is my little girl we're talking about. She assured me she had done this lots of times (I just know she was lying). So she starts with this liquid oral medicine stuff. She was really good about that. Talked to Eliana the whole time and smiled at her. Eliana swallowed and smiled and cooed (poor girl..if she'd only known what that lady was about to do to her). But that did make me feel better. At least she wasn't like that bitch at the hospital who took Eliana's blood (PKU) and didn't even try to soothe her or make her feel better.
After she drank all that stuff down, it was time for the very not fun part. I had been fully prepared that I would have to hold her down for this and I got ready. But then another lady came in and looked at me like "What're you standing there for?". So I moved to the corner and like the chicken I am, covered my ears. They gave her all the shots at the same time. Or at least 2 of them at the same time. I wasn't watching.
Eliana started crying, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. She cried for maybe 5 minutes and then fussed a bunch. She slept alot yesterday and fussed almost the whole time she was awake. She slept through last night, so at least it didn't break the night sleeping. And for that I am truely grateful. She's still really fussy today, but I'm giving her lots of extra attention and love. Her actual appt is next Wednesday. I'll update more weight/height/percentile crap then.

I had my PP appt yesterday afternoon. I know this is usually done at 6 weeks, but the doc's office sucks sometimes, so this is when I could do it. My incision is healing nicely. I now have birth control pills. I still have 18lbs to lose to get to pre-pregnancy and even more to get to where I want to be. That's ok though since apparently my scale at home is reading 5lbs heavier, so I felt better than I thought I would. Yay me. All in all it went fine.
I've also decided to take a pic of Eliana every month next to the same stuffed bear as sort of a comparison thing. I missed 1 month, but I'm starting now. The bear is big, so I know it makes her look smaller, but it's for comparison anyway. It'll be better next month.

I'll also be posting more pics in a few weeks. We finally got her pics taken by someone who gets paid to do it. They should be ready in 2 weeks and I have to say, she's adorable in them. No big smiley pics, but cute anyway. Maybe the smiley pics will come next time.
You're all updated. I'm done now. The end.
God, that bear DOES make her look small! You know what the comparison is for ME? The armrest on the couch, seeing as I have the very same one. LOL And yes...ten lbs. 4 oz. is NOT small. Especially when you're carrying that 10/4 around all day long, butt patting and shushing like you've never patted, bounced, or shushed before. Ask me how I know. :) I think that's my new phrase. LOL
Wow, sounds like they were waaay nicer at your doctor's office than at my baby's visit. there was no soothing or nice words, just shots. i think the parents feel worse than the babies do. Cute baby!
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