So, for those of you paying attention, we were supposed to have bad weather. MyTony didn't even have to go to work. So that's why I missed a day. An unexpected bonus family day in the middle of the week! Shock! So we did errands because we are so cool like that. Lots of errands. Like all day with the baby. (Who, btw, is 1 month old today!! As opposed to the 4 weeks old she was 2 days ago and yes, there is a difference) And it went great! She cried maybe twice just long enough to let me know it was time to eat. And as long as we left whever we were IMMEDIATELY everything was fine. I did have to explain to MyTony 3 times what IMMEDIATELY meant. He thinks babies should be patient and understanding that he must finish looking through the clearance bin at the bookstore for the book he won't even read for at least 2 months. (That may have been the longest sentence ever) Umm...what was I talking about? Right, baby, got it. We changed her in bathrooms and the back of the car (ok, SUV, so lots of changing room) and fed her wherever we were. I have no problem breastfeeding in public as long as I'm not in the middle of everything and MyTony holds the blanket so no one can see until I get her latched on cuz I don't need all of Walmart staring at my boob. The baby slept all day long. Quietly. I'm telling you, people were jealous. She kicks ass so much.
I was at Target looking for burp cloths and this woman stopped to admire the squishiness of Eliana. I, of course, had to gush over her 4 month old little girl (who was so cute, btw and SMILED!..Can't wait till mine does that more often).
I'm good with gushing over other people's babies. I think I'm pretty convincing even if I don't mean it (but this time I totally meant it cuz SO CUTE). And I'm pretty good about accepting the whole "look how cute and tiny your baby is blah blah blah". It doesn't even bother me when they ask if it's a boy or a girl. I don't blame them since I have a habit of only putting the pink stuff on her at home and saving the yellow and green when we take her out in public. I like to confuse people, and what's more fun than the gender-guessing game? And they always think she's a boy. What's up with that?
Anyways, so this woman is talking to me about baby stuff and sleeping through the night, blah blah know, normal new mommy things. And it's nice. She gets it. Only, not, since she's a single mom and I have a MyTony who helps so so much. So she's got it 100 times harder than me. And also, my baby sleeps through the night (mostly) and hers at 4 months old still doesn't. I'm way lucky and I know it. So we're talking and MyTony's getting bored, so I'm trying to figure out a graceful way to end the conversation. I am not good at this. I tend to just find some shiny toy and say "Ooh pretty!" and walk away. I really shouldn't be allowed to talk to people. This is why I have so few friends. What I really hate is that I could totally have hung out with this woman. We could have meshed. I could have made my first mom friend that I didn't know before I was a mom. But I am a social screw-up. Bah.
The End.